doc/infra.txt File Reference


FFmpeg Infrastructure
FFmpeg instead several VMs run on it ffmpeg org VM
FFmpeg instead several VMs run on it ffmpeg org mail
FFmpeg instead several VMs run on it ffmpeg org and public facing git
FFmpeg instead several VMs run on it ffmpeg org and public facing also website git fftrac this part is build by a cronjob So is the doxygen stuff as well as the FFmpeg git snapshot These scripts are under the ffcron user Git
FFmpeg instead several VMs run on it ffmpeg org and public facing also website git fftrac this part is build by a cronjob So is the doxygen stuff as well as the FFmpeg git snapshot These scripts are under the ffcron user https

Variable Documentation

◆ Infrastructure

FFmpeg Infrastructure

Definition at line 15 of file infra.txt.

◆ VM

FFmpeg instead several VMs run on it ffmpeg org and public facing also website git fftrac VM

Definition at line 20 of file infra.txt.

◆ mail

FFmpeg instead several VMs run on it ffmpeg org mail

Definition at line 20 of file infra.txt.

◆ git

FFmpeg instead several VMs run on it ffmpeg org and public facing git

Definition at line 20 of file infra.txt.

◆ Git

FFmpeg instead several VMs run on it ffmpeg org and public facing also website git fftrac this part is build by a cronjob So is the doxygen stuff as well as the FFmpeg git snapshot These scripts are under the ffcron user Git

Definition at line 58 of file infra.txt.

◆ https

FFmpeg instead several VMs run on it ffmpeg org and public facing also website git fftrac this part is build by a cronjob So is the doxygen stuff as well as the FFmpeg git snapshot These scripts are under the ffcron user https

Definition at line 85 of file infra.txt.